Friday, June 20, 2008

Finally, I figured out Pictures

On the 17th, Miss E had two of the four top teeth pop through!   Her front two teeth are now out!  I hope this helps her out and provides some much needed pain relief for the little one!  

I did say it was worth going out on Sat because I did have another pair of socks on the needles.... but it was way more worth it than that!   Miss E and I won a bunch of fibery goodies as a result of our outing!  Yay!!!

I'm going to try to put a couple of photos here.   One is of King, our beloved greyhound entertaining me, one is of Ike helping out, and the other is just a cool picture.


Tuesday, June 17, 2008

The gift that keeps on giving

So now I'm sick.  Yesterday was terrible - I couldn't even move - I was so sore.  I had a fever.   Today, I feel better.  I'm in "mommy mode" - you know the one where you feel run down, but you have a little one that is depending on you - so you get better real fast.   DH was sick, Ellie was sick, and now me.   Let this be the end of it.

Saturday when EJ was feeling better, I did take her out - we participated in WWKIP day and had a blast.  It was really fun.   I probably should have stayed home - I felt tired that day and now I know that it was because I was starting to get sick.    At least I've got a new pair of socks on the needles, right?

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Maybe? Possibly? I think so....

Ellie just got up from her afternoon nap and she was all sweaty - and I think she really broke her fever now.    Oh how I hope this is true - poor thing has been sick for days.   

All Alone

EJ and I are all alone today.   DH is out working.   EJ is napping (soon to get up) and I'm sure she'll be cranky as her teeth should be coming through any day now.   It is raining cats and dogs here so I'm hesitant to go anywhere - we don't have an integral garage and I'd hate for her to get wet much as she's been sick the past few days.   It is tough to keep her covered and walk to the van - 1) she's heavy in that carrier and 2) she pulls the cover off since she likes to look around.  

I know she's about to get up because I'm starting to get sleepy - she was up around 4 times last night.    Memories of when she was only a few months old.  I *almost* forgot what that was like!   The thing that isn't good is that I'm starting to feel run down  - I understand now what everyone meant by "the momma isn't allowed to not feel well"....  

The other observation of motherhood that became apparent to me is that I no longer think of myself first - when I order anything foodwise - I'm always looking at the menu and thinking "what can she eat".   So even though she doesn't eat much - my plate is now based on her and not necessarilly on what I want.   Last weekend, we were at the ice cream stand and I wanted to get some chocolate flavored bliss with reese's cups - but I knew that she can't have chocolate or peanut butter and she'd want to taste mine... so it ended up being vanilla.   The funny thing is that I've been doing this for awhile and it just occured to me at the ice cream stand that mothers truly put their children first and don't even really think about it - it becomes second nature.   It makes me love and miss my mom even more.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

When a little one is sick

Oh my goodness.... it is so hard to watch little EJ cry and cry not be able to help her out too much.   When they can't talk - they can't tell you what is wrong.   Her fever is down a little bit which is good, but she is still sick and to look at her breaks my heart - big crocodile tears in her big blue eyes.   I know we have ALOT of these days to come in the future but the first real sick day is tough.

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

June 11th - Is It Over Yet?

Today marks 15 years since my mother has passed.   It also marks my nephew's 15th birthday.   Hard day had by all.

Today my baby girl threw up her first real vomit and had her first real temperature of 102.2.   Poor sick baby.

Random Thoughts Again

I'm now a stay at home mom and I love being here with my little girl.   Honestly, best decision I've made hands down.   

Some days I wonder where I fit in.... I mean I had LOTS of friends at work and I still keep in touch with some - it isn't the same though and I suppose it never will be.   It is just different when you don't talk every day and/or see them.  It is also hard when you've had a child later in life - when you didn't have kids and all your friends did - it was hard to join the conversations because they were all about raising new little ones.   When you have a kid, theirs are already lightyears ahead.

And then there are groups you try to join - and when they are already established, it is hard to break the barrier and fit in.   Not that they are't lovely nice people, but that they have already share some common bond.   

I'm sure once my little one isn't so little anymore, I'll meet her friends and their parents and form some new bonds and friendships but for now, she and I will be our own little group and we both fit in really well!  

Tuesday, June 03, 2008


Where is all the time going?

Today marks another year in my life... Happy Birthday to me!!  I have to say my Prayers of thankfulness that the Lord has allowed me to live another day and that He has blessed my life in so many ways.

Monday, June 02, 2008

Tick Tock - where has all the time gone?

Hello all!   Where has all the time gone?   My goodness.... my last post was in August of 2006 and it is now June of 2008.....  My life has certainly changed ALOT.    I quit my job after my last post.   I became pregnant a month after that.   And now, I have a beautiful baby girl who is almost 11 months old!!!  Funny how my blog background was pink - was that a foreshadow of events or what?!

I think I just blinked - it seems like it hasn't been this long! It really has been probably the best 2 years of my life.   Sorry I haven't shared it.   It was the busiest 2 years of my life, too.

I have continued to knit.... I joined Ravelry and that my friends has been taking up what little free time I have these days.  I still have to explore blogger and understand it all so that I can have fun posting here too.  

Baby girl should be waking up from her nap in the next few minutes so this first post will be short - but I will post again, promise.