Tuesday, June 13, 2006


I think I must divorce my hair stylist. Yes, it has come down to this. I'm a pretty easy going person and I take things in stride. But what I can't stand is paying an awful lot of cash for a cut and walking out with hair in my face and them not even making my part straight. When they blew dry my hair - they used NO product. Then they flat ironed. Granted they put a spray or two of something then but clearly it wasn't enough as now I have a lot of breakage on the top part of my head. Where and when do I sign the papers!

So now, I'm distressed and nervous about looking at where I left Tubey last night. I'm hoping I picked up all the right stitches from my frogging. Maybe this is why I should have another project on the needles.

I'm not blog saavy folks - as if you couldn't tell! - so if you have any suggestions on references on how to do things here - please let me know. I have alot to figure out - including pictures.

First Frog!

Does everyone remember their first frog? Well I had mine last night. Second color change on the first sleeve of tubey! AGH!!!

I came in to post since I haven't done it a long time and I just realized I'm going to be late for work so I PROMISE to come back right after work today. I saw that a few people actually saw and commented on my first posts and it made me feel good so I had to post now to say "HELLO!!"

See you later today!