Monday, July 28, 2008


Where has the time gone?  Amazing how fast time flies now that I'm older and that I have a baby girl.  

We had a death in the family recently so that has been one of those things that takes up a lot of time and emotion.

Ellie turned 1 on July 13th!  Miss EJ had a blast with cake and had a wonderful time at her birthday party - lots of food and fun!  She is growing and growing - altho she is in the 10-15th percentile for height and weight - she is a little peanut.  We called the bean before she was born - maybe we'll start again - but peanut is cute too.   I'm thinking I like little grape as well.  So many nicknames.

Our Friend SJ sent EJ an adorable knitted outfit and two wonderful books!  I don't know how she found the time to do this - she amazes me!   The pictures are a little blurry but they still show how stunning the outfit is.