Tuesday, June 17, 2008

The gift that keeps on giving

So now I'm sick.  Yesterday was terrible - I couldn't even move - I was so sore.  I had a fever.   Today, I feel better.  I'm in "mommy mode" - you know the one where you feel run down, but you have a little one that is depending on you - so you get better real fast.   DH was sick, Ellie was sick, and now me.   Let this be the end of it.

Saturday when EJ was feeling better, I did take her out - we participated in WWKIP day and had a blast.  It was really fun.   I probably should have stayed home - I felt tired that day and now I know that it was because I was starting to get sick.    At least I've got a new pair of socks on the needles, right?

1 comment:

essjay said...

I hope that you are feeling better now! I can't wait to see your socks when you get them all done.