Wednesday, August 27, 2008


Long time, no post! My life is pretty much the same day-to-day for now. I visit with my father just about every day in the monring with EJ. We stay there until she starts to get tired for her morning nap. Then we go home and I shower and get some chores done around the house. With bits of sneaking onto the computer to read what everyone else is up to! Sounds exciting, no?! LOL!

EJ has gotten her molars in addition to her other 6 teeth - I miss the gummy smile - but the teeth are pretty darn cute too. That is until she screeches them together and makes the fingernail on the chalkboard sound with them! Yikes.

I made M&M sugar cookies last night and they are oh so very good - although the sugar cookie batter could be "beefier" if that makes sense. If you have a good sugar cookie recipe - let me know.

On the knitting front, I'm working on my Monkey socks.... down to the last leg repeat and onto the heels! I always get scared when it gets to this part. :shrug:

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