Tuesday, June 13, 2006


I think I must divorce my hair stylist. Yes, it has come down to this. I'm a pretty easy going person and I take things in stride. But what I can't stand is paying an awful lot of cash for a cut and walking out with hair in my face and them not even making my part straight. When they blew dry my hair - they used NO product. Then they flat ironed. Granted they put a spray or two of something then but clearly it wasn't enough as now I have a lot of breakage on the top part of my head. Where and when do I sign the papers!

So now, I'm distressed and nervous about looking at where I left Tubey last night. I'm hoping I picked up all the right stitches from my frogging. Maybe this is why I should have another project on the needles.

I'm not blog saavy folks - as if you couldn't tell! - so if you have any suggestions on references on how to do things here - please let me know. I have alot to figure out - including pictures.


essjay said...

Divorce that stylist - it is hard but worth it in the end!

As for pictures you can probably upload them right into blogger or use flicker or photobucket to store the images and then create links to those pictures from blogger. Good luck!

Becka said...

I agree with Sara...serve the papers!!

I'm very much a blog newbie...I made a badge @ Flickr, then they give you the code to paste it in your template.
I also store my photos @ photobucket and either link to them thru the upload on blogger (the picture above the area where u compose your blog) or copy and paste the img tag. Isn't blogging fun?!
Can't wait to see your Tubey.

Lisa (JeepGirl) said...

Thanks Chicas!! I have to start exploring the blogging world!!!

Julie said...

I find Photobucket to be much more reliable that uploading pictures through Blogger. Just my experience. ;)

Definitely ditch the stylist! ;)

Noelle said...

What a great idea - I "divorced" my stylist about 3 months ago - she called in sick and I really needed my haircut. So I went to the place I take my kids to - Great Clips - and I got a $13 haircut in 20 minutes. No, it isn't fabulous, but I have curly hair and my hair never looks fabulous after I get it cut. Plus I was in and out in 1/3 of the time, I spent less than 1/4 of the money and I didn't have to make conversation. What makes it really sticky is she is my MIL's long-time stylist. UGH. So after a few hairy eyeballs from her I think she is letting it go and I won't have to admit that I'm going to Great Clips now. More $$ for yarn.